How do you choose the right size for a children’s desk?
If you want to preserve greatness
The perfect dimension for all room sizes
Usually, the desk in a children’s room is a multifunctional place. Here, not only homework is done, painted and crafted. The desk also serves as a place to store pens, notebooks and books, unfinished work. Sometimes, temporary, even clothing and toys are being stored here. So it is no exaggeration to say that the desk in a children’s room takes on a central role. According to these requirements, the desk must be the right size. In addition to its functionality, the desk must also fit the size of the room and make optimum use of the often limited space in a children’s room. And that’s not all: children are growing rapidly and the demands on the size of the desk are changing. So it’s no wonder that choosing the right desk size has to be a carefully thought-out matter. In order to meet these diverse requirements, moll has developed children’s desks in various sizes which can also be resized. This means that you can not only meet all the conditions and requirements mentioned above, but also offer your child an ergonomic work and playground.
Flexibility is key
Different demands are met with different basic variants. For example, with the children’s desk “compact”: with its width of 90 cm, it offers an ideal use of space for smaller children’s rooms. If space and demand are a little larger, the “classic” children’s desks from moll are shown to their best advantage. Here your child has a desk width of 120 cm, which is hardly found in offices. This desk version offers your child not only an extensive work and playground, but also the possibility of storing work materials or other things neatly and still always have them ready to hand. The basic equipment is one thing, but it does not always meet all the needs and, above all, changing requirements. Therefore, moll children’s desks can be expanded or reduced in size without having to buy a new desk. Moll children’s desks are optionally changeable and thus become as unique as children are.
moll Winner
the classic with versatile storage options and extensions
120 cm wide – 71 cm deep
moll Winner compact
ideal for children’s and teenagers’ rooms with less space available
90 cm wide – 71 cm deep
If desks just grow with you
Flexibility only works if these possibilities are considered beforehand and the preconditions have been created. For this purpose, Moll works with a modular system. Various modules such as table extensions and storage options can be attached or removed on a basic basis. This enables you to react to the constantly changing conditions in a children’s room. For example, when a children’s room becomes a youth room. Beds and wardrobes usually take up more space then, while the desk will be used less for crafting and thus requires less space. Just fold in the side table extensions, for example, and you will have a slimmer children’s desk that adapts perfectly to the changing conditions. Moll children’s desks are designed in such a way that they can be used from primary school to adulthood.
You can find more information on the topic of children’s desks that can be expanded here.