moll is future: sustainable forestry

We need the forest as a basis for the lives of plants, trees and people. The forest regulates our climate and is a place for us to relax.

PEFC is a transparent, independent system to ensure sustainable forest management, a sort of “forest certification lab” for the world. Forest certification according to PEFC standards is based on strict guidelines for sustainable management of forests.

The entire production of products — from the raw materials to the ready-to-use end product — is certified and inspected by independent experts. Whether the product is made of wood or paper: Only those who can fully prove that the processed raw materials came from naturally managed forests can get the PEFC seal.  This is not only good for the forest — it is also good for your safety that moll has sided with the environment.

To preserve the forest for future generations, we acquire our wood only from suppliers who have the PEFC seal or the FSC seal. These seals show that our products come from a certified production chain, from the raw material to the final product.