Start of school – First day of school
as the big day approaches…

I’m finally a schoolchild! Many children are looking forward to their first day at school. The first own school bag, the beautiful pencils, all the little things that accompany the start of school inspire the child. For every child, starting school means entering a new world. School is different from life at home. And it’s different from kindergarten. The child meets new rules and requirements. Most children are proud to be schoolchildren. They look forward to new challenges. But they don’t really know what to expect.
But before the big day comes, some preparation is needed. School cone, and school satchels have to be bought or made. Infinitely long material lists are sent in advance and have to be purchased by the parents. And very importantly: The child now needs a children’s desk with a suitable swivel chair. Because from now on, homework is also on the agenda.
For the parents, too, everything is new and unfamiliar. When they think about the school start, they also become nervous. That’s quite normal. With comprehensive preparation, they can ensure that the start of school is as stress-free as possible. Here are some tips for a relaxed start to school.
How do I motivate my child at the start of school?
… or the answer to the question of how to get started with the first homework.
What belongs in the school cone?
… or the answer to the question what is the right present for school enrolment.
What does the children’s room look like for first graders?
… or the answer to the question which furnishings a children’s room needs.
How do you master the challenges of the first day at school?
… or the answer to the question how to ease the start of school.
What does the right workplace look like in a children’s room?
… or the answer to the question of how to create the right atmosphere quickly and easily with moll furniture.
Do first graders need a real desk?
… or the answer to the question why a children’s desk and swivel chair make a lot of sense.
Which working materials do first graders need?
… or the answer to the question of what children need to complete all their tasks.
How to find the right school bag for school enrolment?
… or the answer to the question which special features have to be considered when buying school bags.
What is important when learning to read?
… or the answer to the question what you should know about reading and reading books for first graders.
What are the right exercises for first graders?
… or the answer to the question of how to keep an overview in the jungle of exercise books and e-learning offerings.
How can children learn order?
… or the answer to the question why tidiness and a good learning atmosphere are so important.